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I hurriedly hung up my guitar, after a full Sunday morning. It was happening. My wife had been having contractions 7 minutes apart for over three hours and she told me “today is the day”. I rushed home, we hopped in the car, and drove to the hospital. We got a room quickly and the adrenaline subsided into reality. This was really happening. We were going to have a baby boy, and he was going to come on his own time.

They put monitors on my wife to check for the contractions and the heart rate of the baby. As we sat and watched the dials and numbers tick up and down, there was an alarming trend that occured. The baby’s heart rate would dramatically drop every contraction. The doctors came in and exchanged glances and talked in hush tones. Moments later they returned and told us we may have to c-section to have a healthy baby. They moved us to another room and positioned my wife in such a way that the baby’s heart rate stabilized. They doctor came in and told us they would just need to monitor the progress and see what happened. 

About an hour later the contractions worsened. As this point the water had yet to break and the baby seemed to be a long ways from coming, maybe even days. My wife’s pain levels became unbearable. She asked for pain relief and the doctors obliged. Shortly after she felt as though her water had broken. It was blood. Something wasn’t right. The nurses brought in a crash cart, and a tray of medical equipment that looked grim. In the midst of all of this chaos, a thought occurred to me. This story may not have a happy ending. The story that my wife and I had been writing together might not be able to be finished. I was devastated and drained. I felt lost, and hopeless. 

And in that moment I remembered. I remembered all the things that God had done for my family, I remembered all the things he had provided, and all the things that he had already brought us through. I remembered that the Great God that created the world had brought me this far, and that he always had us in his hands. Even though the current situation seemed grave, I knew that from past experience that God was at the helm. 

Sunday passed into Monday and at 2:57am my wife gave birth to a beautiful, HEALTHY, baby boy. STRYKER THOMAS MOREHEAD entered the world. And through it all God continued to remind us of his greatness and his provision in our lives. 

So I will never forget to remember.